Bring in the new year

I hope everyone had a brilliant and refreshing Christmas and New Year, its all done for another year now and we can settle back into our working lives.. joy!

The New Year got me thinking (one about this stupid laptop that I got – it didn’t but I’m using it which reminded me – this damn thing keeps moving the cursor around so now one word becomes a mix of several if I don’t notice, its mightily annoying.  Just thought I vent a little there) so anyway the New Year, it got me thinking, do people still do resolutions?  I hear people mention them sometimes but they’re just joking around with random things, so it doesn’t count.

Did anyone here make a resolution?  Was it a decent one?  Were you joking around and you have no intention of sticking to it at all?

What about me? Well, no I didn’t make a resolution, but I was thinking of making a wish.  Its seems like less conviction to make such a thing rather than trying to get myself to achieve something as big and total as an express determination of a resolution.  I mean look at the meanings, there’s quite a difference:

1. a formal expression of opinion or intention made

2. a resolve or determination

3. the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action

Oh no, my act this New Year will surely be, at the most, a wish:

1. to want; desire; long for

2. to desire (a person or thing) to be (as specified)

3. to request or charge

So now, what to wish for.. well I could say that like most wishes, if they are mentioned then it takes away the essence and the wish becomes void.  But that’s just superstition like the whole New Year resolution itself so I’ll tell you.  I would wish that this year I gather more energy and see more people – be it friends I have and truly haven’t seen enough or new friends that I have made online, but not yet met in person (for long enough) or ones that I have yet to make.  That in the wholeness of what it is, is all I would ask for and desire.  Something simple yet encouraging 🙂

For your listening pleasure here’s a favourite song of mine currently, a great video of equal love 😀 settle back and have a coffee.. enjoy !


Mundane Monday Trading Times

Today we (me) will be finishing up the research and word sentences for tomorrows gift to you. Typically I’m going to be posting every 2 days (mostly, never a guarantee). So it will be Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Today I’m messing it up just to let you know this is going to be happening – so you could say this is rare or an exclusive !

So just to pad this out a tad.. We put up the decorations for this thing called Christmas yesterday. Not really sure what it’s all about, no-one seems to know but we get to mess the house up and spend money, so I’m going with it ! Unfortunately we don’t have an angel (apparently they go on top of the tree) so I grabbed the first thing white thing I could find – What do you think ??